all postcodes in NW3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW3 4AA 7 0 51.550267 -0.167707
NW3 4AB 22 0 51.549752 -0.167569
NW3 4AD 1 0 51.549752 -0.167569
NW3 4AE 19 0 51.550004 -0.16815
NW3 4AG 47 0 51.549429 -0.167582
NW3 4AH 18 0 51.549627 -0.168742
NW3 4AJ 28 0 51.549208 -0.168399
NW3 4AL 2 0 51.548637 -0.167358
NW3 4AN 13 1 51.548296 -0.167613
NW3 4AR 11 0 51.54875 -0.168475
NW3 4AS 1 0 51.548779 -0.16856
NW3 4AT 4 0 51.548885 -0.168862
NW3 4AU 64 0 51.548899 -0.169969
NW3 4AW 5 0 51.549072 -0.168895
NW3 4AX 13 4 51.549142 -0.171127
NW3 4BE 36 0 51.550379 -0.166794
NW3 4BG 34 0 51.550379 -0.166794
NW3 4BH 21 0 51.550379 -0.166794
NW3 4BJ 21 0 51.550379 -0.166794
NW3 4BL 124 0 51.549451 -0.170177